Amritsari kulche on tawa
Try this amritsari kulche recipe on tawa without any yeast, soda and baking powder and taste is exactly same. You can serve it with amritsari chhole.
Servings Prep Time
2people 15minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
5minutes 25minutes
Servings Prep Time
2people 15minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
5minutes 25minutes
  1. Knead a dough from maida, salt and sugar with water and give it rest for 15-20 minutes
  2. Dust with dry flour, make kulcha and grease butter, put mints and sprinkle chaat masala.
  3. Fold it and again to make kulcha and repeat same procedure for three times
  4. On hot tawa, put it and cover it with lid and after few seconds turn the side.
  5. With the help of spatula and butter, cook it from both the sides till crisp.
  6. Serve hot