Schezwan sauce recipe
See this easy recipe of schezwan sauce. This can be used for making schezwan rice, noodles, rolls and many more chinese recipes. It is a spicy sauce which is very easy and simple to make with very few ingredients. You can also store this in a container about a month in refrigerator.
Prep Time
Cook Time
Prep Time
Cook Time
  1. Soak red chillies in to water for one hour.
  2. After an hour remove water and churn this in to blender by adding vinegar and water if required.
  3. Take on non-stick pan, add oil into it.
  4. Once the oil is hot, Sauté garlic and ginger paste for a minute on medium flame.
  5. Add the chilli paste and cook it for another 1 to 2 minutes.
  6. Make sure your masala should not be raw.
  7. Add soya sauce and all the remaining ingredients.
  8. Cook it on medium and low flame for 10 minutes till it leaves the oil.
  9. Schezwan sauce is ready to serve.